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Anastasia Asprou Theodosi

R.N. 86 | I.D. 331743

Was born in 1895 and in 1915 she married Υiorko Antoni Chrisafi, they had six children.
From 1973, following an illness, she lived with her husband in Varosi, where they lived with their daughter Chrystallou at 11 Simionidou Street, Nea Smyrni, just outside the Famagusta walls.
After the second wave of the invasion her husband was taken but then on 26/8/74 the United Nations took him to the unoccupied areas. On the second day of the invasion her husband went out into the yard to cut some grapes. At this point he was spotted by the Turks who beat him. His wife could

see him being beaten from her bed and protested, even though she could not be heard following a stroke. A soldier entered the house and beat her. However, the old man didn’t know if the soldier killed her because he lost consciousness. He was subsequently found in the road, beaten up, swollen and bruised and taken to the Greek sector by the United Nations. His daughter Chrystallou and her husband Hambi searched and found the old man in a tent but he did not recognise them.
He received treatment and recovered only to die of pneumonia in 1974. The old man was born in 1876. it is not known what became of the old woman except that she remains missing and was not seen again by her husband after he was taken to the unoccupied sector.


Hristalla H. Georgalla


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